
Monday, September 30, 2013

Micellaneous Animals

Guava: I am laying on your nice cloths and I don't care.
Me: Guava! Naughty girl!
Guava: Oh, uh, just kidding! Now; stroke my body!

Guava: Keep STROKING me!!

Guava: Move this disgusting cord!! I think it is ruining my life!
Guava: Thank you!
Me: Sure.
Guava: I think I shall head down the stairs and have a Éclair!
Guava: Or wait, mayhap I shall have Crème Brule!
Guava: Or possibly a Bavarian Cream Puff!
Guava: Yes, they all sound scrumptious, but what one to pick? O, sorrow of many sorrows!
Lottie: Sup' ya'll.
Me: Sup'.
Husty: Dwa hey man!
Husty: Love me!
Husty: I just love you!
Lottie: Gee wiz, Husty! Lay of the beans and broccoli! Phew!
Husty: Huh?
Lottie: Hey, something totally uninteresting! Lemme check this out!
Husty: Pet me?
Lottie: Whoa, ya'll! Call a detective! I think this is a STICK!
Lottie: Actually ya'll, it was just an extinct dinosaur bone. I'm so disappointed I'm gonna run in circles.
Husty: Where's Lottie?
Husty: Lottie! Lottie?
Lottie: *Grunt*
Husty: Where oh where could she be?
Lottie: Uh... Husty?
Husty: Lottie? Hello?
Lottie: Husty.
Husty: Oh, WHERE is she??
Lottie: You gotta be kiddin' me.
Husty: I'll never see her again! Oh, Lottie Lottie Lottie......
Lottie: It...won't... UNCURL!!
Lottie: Oh well.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Silver Dollar City

We went to Silver Dollar City over the weekend with our friends. It was a BLAST! We've gone about twice before, and both times I've been TERRIFIED by the roller coasters. But, this time I said in a voice as brave as I could muster: "Hark! The time hath come for me to no longer fear what man hath made! I shall faceth my fears! Hurrah!"

Or something like that.
Anyway, I tried Thunderation and LOVED it! 

Then we did Wildfire. LOOVVVEEDD it! My total fav! Also, they take your picture on each ride, and every time I looked like I needed a trip to the mental hospital. Must be the lighting! Heh heh. I hope.

One ride is just not enough on Wildfire. 

The Barn Swing was also a big hit. Unbelievably fun!

Me and H went on the Electro Spin. And we all went on Powder Keg, (waited in line about 15 minutes for that one!) Fire In The Hole, and Outlaw Run. Outlaw Run is very, very wild! You go up a hill, go down, and barrel roll. And more things too. But here is no break in-between so you can't relish what just happened or get excited for the next part. But or' den' dat' it's AWESOME! 

I highly recommend coming to Silver Dollar City if you haven't been there. 

And there's a bunch of neat shops and shows. And a train ride. And a coffin to stand in!
Go there.

{Daisy Ray} 

Monday, September 9, 2013


Guava has been lost outside with no claws for eight days. One night we saw her eating, but she was gone when we got down there. Then, the next day Mom and Dad where having coffee and saw her just laying on a rock relaxing, as if everything was normal. Bad Guava! I'm so glad she's back though. And not a scratch on her! Still praying for Twa, too. Really miss him. :(

We started school on Wednesday, and we are doing the Sonlight curriculum. It's quite fun! Still don't have our math yet (YAY!) or other seat-work things, but those should be here soon.

We finally got some couches, too! There nice and comfy, not too deep. An okay color, too. It's so nice to come into the living room and have something to sit on!

I planted a watermelon plant like six months ago and now it just bloomed a flower! Hope it bears some fruit! Sorry no pics, but our Wi-Fi only let's us have 10 gigabytes a month and in like two weeks we used six. Trying to upload pictures will drain it even quicker. [:(

Well, that's what we've kinda been up to in the past few weeks. We've also been trying to stay inside as much as possible so we don't melt in the SEPTEMBER sun. I hope it cools down quick!

I need some ice-packs, Daisy Ray